Tag Archives: jobseekers

8 Surefire Ways to Advance Your Career

career advancement

In this world, those of us that have jobs are fortunate.  But it is so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of generating that daily paycheck that we fail to focus on the bigger picture and think about how we can best advance our careers.  While being employed is a respectable […]

Pursuing a Career in Medical Radiologic Technology

radiologic technologist

Due to the outstanding technological advances taking place in the healthcare field, medical radiologic technology is one of the most rapidly growing career fields in the United States. Technology now allows medical conditions such as cancer, heart issues and prenatal health problems to be detected and treated earlier than ever.  As a result, more and […]

Reduce Job Interview Anxiety and Achieve a Positive Mindset

job interview mindset

In this economy, just getting an interview, let alone a job, can be a huge accomplishment.  So when you schedule an interview for a job you really could see yourself performing well at, you want to make sure that you are in best form for the event.  Job interviews are not something you can do […]

Seven Qualities of a Good Salesperson

destined for sales

A career in sales is a great option for many reasons.  First, the educational background requirements are less specific and extensive than some other careers, since the most that is required is a bachelor’s degree.  Second, the financial opportunities aren’t as limited as other jobs, since most sales jobs are commission-based and the money you […]

Six Essential Jobs on the Political Campaign Trail

political campaign jobs

With political debates heating up the nation and presidential candidates rallying support all across the country for the 2016 election, it is an exciting time for starting a career in politics, particularly political campaigns.  Any political candidate running for office, whether that be on the town, county, state or national level, requires support from many […]

Rise Above Age Discrimination During the Recruitment Process

age bias in hiring

In this economy, many people are putting off retirement, and as a result there are more older people in the workforce today than there were years ago.  When many of these older workers are job hunting, they find the interviewing process can be a struggle, because there is an age bias that exists among many […]

Personality Traits for Working with Special Needs Children

special education helper

Working with special needs children can be very emotionally rewarding.  Many people seek careers in special education because there are so many other benefits as well, such as higher pay, shorter work days and increasing job availability.  But at the same time, it’s safe to say that not just anyone can teach special education.  It […]

Highest Paying Bachelor’s Degrees of 2015

starting salary

For young adults entering college, it can be a really tough call deciding which major to focus on.  Incoming college students have so much to consider, and future income can often fall by the wayside in this decision making process.  And since college itself can seem like such a huge undertaking (regardless of the major), […]