Tag Archives: jobs

Five Ideal Jobs for Loners

careers for loners

Different people thrive with different work styles.  Some crave a lot of person-to-person interaction and respond well to close direction from a superior or peer in the workplace.  But others possess strong self-discipline and when left to their own devices, can accomplish way more than any other person could have directed them to do or […]

Top Jobs for Common Liberal Arts Majors

liberal arts majors

If you have made the decision to attend college, or have already taken the plunge, you should be thoroughly informed regarding the best jobs in each field. These careers are the cream of the crop, but are also realistic destinations for those with great work ethic and a desire to succeed. These are the roles […]

How to Find Your Career Passion

find a job

A lot of people enter the workforce and never truly understand their ideal job capacity. Entry-level candidates are often thrown into programs and assigned a role within the company without ever really having a choice. If you don’t speak up, you’ll be out of luck, because eventually you will move into a potentially undesirable career […]

Top Marketing Jobs 2015

best marketing jobs

Marketing is a growing industry, and many companies are taking advantage of its popularity. TV, Radio, and Print are all great places to advertise, but recent years have given way to a tremendous lift in the online marketing sector. More and more people are accessing computers on a daily basis, and the popularity of mobile […]

Workplace Wardrobe Tips for Men

men's work clothes

The sad reality about the workplace is that people are often impressionable and can quickly jump to conclusions based on individual appearance. A person with old or out of style clothes might be viewed in the workplace as being as outdated as their pre-century garments. A person who doesn’t care about ironing shirts nicely might […]