Tag Archives: jobs

Four Job Categories that Did Not Exist 15 Years Ago

todays careers

It is true that technology has taken away some jobs, since computers nowadays can perform many functions once needed by humans (just think about the self-checkout at the grocery store or the ticket machines at the airport).  But on the other hand, the advent of the Information Age has also created many jobs since these […]

Best Two Year Degrees

best technical degrees

Sometimes landing your dream jobs doesn’t require a significant educational time investment. There are plenty of jobs available for those students who decide that pursuing a two year degree is the best course of action. These types of careers exists across multiple industries, so finding a job shouldn’t be difficult. If you decide that pursuit […]

Top 5 Regrettable Careers

most regrettable jobs

Often times people find themselves in careers that they simply do not like. When you work in a career for an extended period of time, your options outside of what you specialize in diminish significantly. Finding a new job would require a new educational pursuit and years of experience in another discipline. Some jobs simply […]

Importance of Internet Security Professionals

internet security professionals

Nowadays most information is stored electronically. This means bank accounts, credit card information, and even past transactions from retail stores. Some companies have massive pools of important data, and can’t let it fall into the wrong hands. If solid security measures are not enacted, then this information is vulnerable to hackers. Events like Heartbleed and […]

Top 5 Union Careers

top union careers

There are several pros and cons to working in a Union, but the job security and pre-negotiated salary levels make it an attractive career option. Not only do union workers enjoy an excellent benefits and retirement packages, but also after a while seniority will kick in and better jobs will soon follow. If you are […]

Top 5 Jobs for Night Owls

best night careers

Some people operate better at night. For whatever reason their sleep cycle has changed significantly from the norm. If you consider yourself a night owl, then you should consider one of the following careers. There are plenty of excellent third shift and other night jobs available for those that thrive on an unorthodox work schedule. […]