Author Archives: Jessica Cody

About Jessica Cody

Jessica Cody, a native of Fairfield County, Connecticut, has a background in online marketing and public relations. She is a graduate of the University of Connecticut, where she studied Journalism and Political Science. She is also an avid runner with a passion for the outdoors.

Dreaming of World Travel? Get a Customer Service Job!

customer service travel jobs

Do you love exploring new places and taking in new experiences, and wish to become familiar with different cultures?   You don’t have to be wealthy or highly educated to embrace the joys of worldwide travel.  There are jobs out there that will easily allow you this lifestyle, and they require very little education and experience.  […]

Nail That Customer Service Representative Job Interview!

customer service representative job interviewcustomer service representative job interview

In any job interview, you have short window of time to show off your strongest skills and personality traits.  On an interview for a customer service representative job, it is particularly important that you display the same qualities to the hiring manager that you would in a successful customer interaction.  Customer satisfaction is a key revenue […]

How to Tell if You are the Source of Your Problems at Work

problems at work

We don’t live in a perfect world, and unfortunately, we have no control over certain people and situations we encounter on a day to day basis.  This fact can be acutely evident in the workplace.  In any job, there are bound to be hiccups along the way.  People will disappoint at times, and we will […]

Curb the Frustration: 6 Habits Damaging Your Work Productivity

improve productivity at work

You finish your day exhausted, yet feeling you have accomplished nothing.  You are constantly in a rushed and panicked mood over everything that has to be done, and just as you think you are settling down to get to that super important task you have been putting off, something else always seems to come up.  […]

Keep Looking! Red Flags to Watch for in Job Interviews

job interview red flags

In the job search process, jobseekers put a lot of focus on what they can do to get the attention of the companies they are interviewing with, and beat out other candidates for the job.   Many jobseekers are eager to start working as soon as possible, especially if they are currently unemployed or working at […]

Mechanic Careers, and the Hidden Perks Behind Them

mechanic careers

Being an auto mechanic, or automotive technician, is such an important career because of how heavily people rely on their cars for transportation.  A vehicle can be seen as a source of several important things in life, including escape and security.  Every car needs regular service, and there are so many different things that can […]

Want to Telecommute? Look No Further Than Customer Service

telecommute customer service jobs

The trend of telecommuting jobs or working at home is growing rapidly.  According to the latest statistics from Global Workplace Analytics, 50% of the U.S. workforce holds a job that allows them to telecommute at least part time.  And a recent Gallup poll found that in the past 10 years (from 1995 to 2015), the […]