Tag Archives: career advancement

Four Steps to Interview Success

job interview tips

Job interviews are an important step to master. An outstanding interview can make an average candidate stand out from the pack. It’s a time for your potential employer to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses in order to determine whether or not you will be a good fit with the company. A candidate might look excellent […]

New Year’s Resolutions for the Workplace

new year's resolutions for the workplace

The most common New Year’s resolutions are to lose weight, quit smoking, volunteer to help others, save more money, and manage stress. However, not a lot of people think about their careers when making these adjustments. There are several areas of improvement that are beneficial to focus on—they will boost your career advancement potential and […]

Hottest Careers of 2015

best jobs 2015

Another year has come and gone, and the economy continues to grow at a steady rate. The job landscape in America is changing and several “hot” careers are surfacing. Considering a career change? Choosing from the following list is an excellent occupational move, since the demand for workers is currently outweighing the supply. Get onto […]

Post-College Job Hunting Mistakes

college graduates

Finishing college is an excellent accomplishment. It shows employers that you have a willingness to succeed, work well under deadlines, and possess a high level of intelligence. However, it’s not a walk in the park for every student who graduates. The job market is improving, but a college degree does not guarantee you a job. […]

Signs It’s Time to Find a New Position

changing jobs

Being stuck in a career for an extended period of time can go one of two ways. Maybe you love the job, and would never jeopardize your opportunity to continue coming into work each day. Or, maybe you are dissatisfied, and require a career shift. You should always take a step back and analyze your […]

Careers for Geniuses

careers for the intelligent

Being an excellent student can pay big dividends later in your career. Good grades are important, and the more competitive roles always look at academic record when sorting through potential employees. Turning your intelligence into career success is a great move. For those with exceptional IQs or standardized test scores, there are some excellent positions […]

Getting Your Foot in the Door

landing a promotion

In the pursuit of a new job, you fire off resume after resume online.  You’ve got the education, the skills, even some admirable experience.  But you just feel that somehow your job applications are disappearing into cyberspace unnoticed.  You may be qualified for the job, but so are hundreds of other people.  Their resumes along […]