Tag Archives: career

5 Essential Skills for Delivering Killer Customer Service

customer service representative skills

Customer service representatives are often the first person customers communicate with at a business, and the feeling the customer gets from their interaction with the representative is likely to define their opinion of the company as a whole.  Skilled customer service representatives are invaluable to every business, since they play a huge part in solving […]

Beyond the Call Center: Multi-Channel Customer Support Jobs

multichannel customer support jobs

In recent years, technology has drastically changed customer support and the manner in which it is delivered.  Multi-channel customer support has catapulted over the past 5 years, as more and more customers seek to resolve their issues via the web, using avenues such as online forums, e-mail, live chat and virtual chatbots.  According to technology […]

Use Your Administrative Assistant Job to Catapult Your Career

administrative assistant skills

Taking a job as an administrative assistant is an excellent way to get your foot in the door to a wide range of career possibilities.  Working as an administrative assistant will help you build skills you can use in numerous types of jobs, such as human resources, sales, marketing and finance.  You will also become […]

A Time for Change: Your 2016 Job Performance Goals

job performance goals

Whether you realize it or not, there are probably many simple tweaks you could make in your career and your life to only improve your job performance, but also your overall happiness and peace of mind.   Change can be scary for many, so it often helps to have some sort of motivating factor to encourage […]

5 Skills That Make a Top Notch Administrative Assistant

administrative assistant skills

Administrative assistants play an integral role in the day to day functioning of a company.  They act as a liaison of important information, offer customer service, hold valuable knowledge of the ins and outs of the company, and are there to tie up loose ends when an issue comes up in the department or company […]

Delivering Exceptional Customer Service to Angry Customers

dealing with angry customers

With Christmas and New Year’s approaching fast, the phones are ringing off the hook at your retail call center with stressed out angry customers doing last minute shopping.  You find yourself on the firing line, being called everything from “incompetent” to “negligent”, enduring threats of customers doing business elsewhere and incessant questioning as to where […]

Start off 2016 With a Bang! Improve Your LinkedIn Profile

improve your linkedin profile

The start of a new year is the perfect opportunity to address those areas of your life you’ve been meaning to work on, but can never find the time to do it.  For jobseekers and professionals in general, improving their LinkedIn profile is often one of these things.  It isn’t the most difficult of tasks, […]

Even in Retail: Every Employee is a Digital Employee

digital retail jobs

New Category of Retail Store Jobs Calls for More Analytical and Technological Skills The continuing expansion of online retail sales is driving growing requirements for a new set of job skills commonly referred to as “digital retail,” according to Jobdiagnosis.com, an online job board that specializes in customer service, retail and food service jobs. This […]