Tag Archives: career

The Importance of an Internship

importance of an internship

Finding a high quality internship should be the top priority of the vast majority of college students. It doesn’t matter whether it’s paid or unpaid—the important part is the experience you get and the networking that takes place behind the scenes. If you are searching for a high-quality internship at a top company, it’s very […]

Pros and Cons of Working From Home

work at home jobs

There are currently millions of workers who telecommute for at least a portion of their workweek, and this number is constantly increasing. Becoming a high-quality work from home employee doesn’t happen overnight, and usually requires reliability, punctuality, adherence to deadlines, accountability, and independence. It’s not the role for everyone, and definitely has its pros and […]

Careers of the Electric Car Industry

electric car careers

Electric cars have been around for a while, but America has never contained the infrastructure or been able to provide the technology to create a feasible mass-produced vehicle until recently. Companies like Tesla, Toyota, BMW, Chevy, and others are leading the electric car revolution, and as a result, many new jobs are being created that […]

Commuter Productivity

commuter productivity

Most Americans commute to work between thirty minutes and one hour each way. That’s potentially ten hours per week or more spent behind the wheel or sitting on public transportation. That’s a lot of time!  Some might commute even more depending on the circumstances. Have you ever though about making this time as productive as […]

Jobs for a Type A Personality

type a jobs

People with Type A personalities are highly ambitious, organized, anxious, proactive, and concerned with time management. They are workaholics who have an ability to multitask and work towards strict deadlines. Type A workers are constantly under extreme stress, which is why is has been scientifically linked to heart disease and other coronary issues. Working at […]

Best Entry-Level Office Roles

Entry-Level Office Jobs

Working in an office can be an excellent career choice. Depending on your educational background and work history, an entry-level position might be a good fit. These jobs can be obtained with limited experience, but can lead to great roles later in your career. Most of the time the key to landing a high-paying position […]