Monthly Archives: November 2014

Careers for the Left Brained

jobs for left brained

Catering your job search based on whether or not you are left or right brain dominant is an excellent idea because you should always play into your strengths when choosing a new career. Check out this quick thirty second test to see which one applies to you. Left brain dominant thinkers thrive in positions focused […]

Recession Proof Jobs

recession proof jobs

The American economy is currently performing at a high level, and we’ve taken big steps in pulling the country out of the recession. As a worker, economic downturn is tough to deal with. Jobs seem to disappear out of thin air and all non-essential employees are subject to immediate termination at any given moment. However, […]

Getting Your Foot in the Door

landing a promotion

In the pursuit of a new job, you fire off resume after resume online.  You’ve got the education, the skills, even some admirable experience.  But you just feel that somehow your job applications are disappearing into cyberspace unnoticed.  You may be qualified for the job, but so are hundreds of other people.  Their resumes along […]

Measuring Your Career Success

Successful Career

Finding the right job is an amazing life accomplishment. Everyone talks about being successful, but what does that really mean? How can we measure our success? Consider several factors. Some people think being successful involves having a lot of money, and others base it on overall quality of life and work / life balance. Define […]

College Majors For Career Flexibility

flexible college degrees

When choosing a college degree, students need to think about the big picture. Where will you be in ten years? Twenty years? Many degrees will lock you into one role at one industry for a long-term position, but others provide you with more career options. Having flexibility can be an excellent asset in a turbulent […]

Improving for Future Interviews

Common Interview Mistakes

Landing an interview means you are qualified enough to succeed. Making an excellent first impression is a whole different story. Nailing an interview takes extensive practice and research, and the more interviews you attend, the more prepared you will be. Take a look through the following mistakes people commonly make on interviews. Being conscious of […]

Careers for Beer and Wine Enthusiasts

jobs for beer and wine lovers

Following your passion can be an excellent career move. For those with a strong knowledge in the origins of wine and beer, there are plenty of options available for full time employment. And the choices span much further than the typical food service jobs. In fact, some beer / wine experts earn six figures doing […]

Reasons Why You’re Not Landing a Job

common interview mistakes

The job market is improving steadily, and the unemployment rate is the lowest it’s been in years. For those who are still unemployed, or looking for a new job, finding work could be difficult if you are committing one of the following mistakes. Optimizing your job search efforts is the key to success. Unemployment can […]

Job Advice and Tips