Tag Archives: resume

5 Mistakes You May be Making on Applications for Employment

job application mistakes

It’s normal to not hear back from some applications for employment you send in, especially when you are applying to hundreds of positions in your job search.  You may not be hearing back for valid reasons such as being unqualified, having too much experience, or because someone was hired before your application was received.   But […]

Tighten Up Your Resume

resume advice

The most important document in the job-hunting process is your resume. It not only shows your relevant work experience, but it also highlights the reasons why human resources should hire you. A lot of jobseekers do not realize the true power of this document, and fail to optimize their chances of landing jobs. With a […]

HR Takes Less Than Five Minutes To Review a Resume

HR scans keywords in resumes

Due to the downturn of the economy, many companies nationwide have laid off some of their employees. Their sales have fallen, pressuring them to cut their workforce in an attempt to reduce costs. As a result, companies that are hiring are being flooded with applications from those who have been laid off, as well as […]