Category Archives: Interview

The Art of the Thank You Letter

send a thank you letter

Interviewing is a process that everyone has to go through before landing a job, and there are specific steps that you should follow after your meeting to display your interest in the role and show the hiring managers that you are serious about first impressions. If you take the proper steps after the completion of […]

Asking Questions During an Interview

good interview questions

As the old saying goes, “Proper preparation prevents poor performance.” Before a job interview, you need to learn as much as you can about the company, including current events and specifics of the role you are applying for. Coming to an interview prepared to answer and ask the right questions cannot be overlooked. Being unprepared […]

3 Important Interview Questions

interview questions

Interviews can be stressful and taxing, especially when you desperately need to find a job. For every job, several candidates are interviewed, so you need to come prepared to answer the difficult questions. The difference between a good interview and a great one can make or break your career. Many interviewers stick to a structured […]

Honesty is the Best Policy

do's and don'ts of interview

Chances are if you have been on an interview, you’ve been asked a series of questions related to your job experience and previous work history. You may have had the urge to embellish your accomplishments and portray yourself as a better job candidate in order to ensure that you get the job. After all, the […]

How to Prove Your Value to a Potential Employer

Making Yourself a Valuable Employee

Companies advertise thousands of jobs in different categories on a regular basis. But the number of job applicants is much greater than the number of available job vacancies. Every candidate has to vie against another so as to attract the attention of a potential employer and prove their worth. Unless and until you’re able to […]

When It’s Your Turn to Ask Questions in an Interview

What questions to ask in an interview

An interview is like a conversation. If you look at interviews as a one-way communication, you’re terribly mistaken. Unless you start approaching job interviews as a conversation, you won’t be able to make the most of them. In a conversation between two people, both have the right to ask and answer. Likewise, in an interview, […]