Tag Archives: jobseeker

Creative Methods for Professional Social Networking

professional networking methods

Professional social networking can become monotonous after a while when you make it into a one-dimensional task.  To expand your professional social network and your world, add some variety and excitement to your networking strategies.  There are numerous avenues of meeting people that don’t involve suited-up events where the main purpose is networking itself, while […]

How to Utilize Social Media for Professional Networking

social media networking

Professional networking has taken on a whole new meaning with the dawn of social media websites such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.  It is likely that if you use these social networks, you have connected with people ranging from distant family to old classmates, former co-workers and everything in between. But it’s easy to simply […]

Tips for Establishing a Professional Social Network

professional relationships

We’ve all heard it before; in the business world, it is often who you know rather than what you know that will help you move upwards.  While experience and skills are important, it will be hard to make the best use of them without a quality professional social network.  Building relationships through professional social networking […]

How to Sell Yourself at Professional Networking Events

professional networking event

The art of professional networking begins with one conversation, one distribution of your resume, one connection made on LinkedIn.  Networking can be done anywhere, through any group of people, whether it is friends, family or peers that you share a particular interest or hobby with.  Of course, the likelihood of making a useful career connection […]

5 Resume Writing Tips to Put in the Past

antiquated resume practices

Many of us follow resume advice that we have received from people we respect, such as our parents, teachers and former employers.   We made some of these pointers the foundation of our resume writing style, and never thought to question them.  While these resume writing tips may have been completely worthwhile years ago, chances that […]

Resume Pointers for Recent College Graduates

college resume

Being a college graduate is a satisfying achievement, while at the same time overwhelming.  You have just completed several years of hard work, all to benefit your future.  But now the future starts.  In order to get started on your career path, you need a strong resume to sell yourself to potential employers.  This can […]

Resume Tactics for Unemployed Jobseekers

resume unemployed

Most job seekers have experienced a period of unemployment for one reason or another.   Various circumstances can lead someone to go a length of time without work, such as illness, family obligations, or a layoff.  Most hiring managers understand that unemployment is often a fact of life, and wouldn’t disqualify a job search candidate for […]