The Importance of an Internship

importance of an internship

Finding a high quality internship should be the top priority of the vast majority of college students. It doesn’t matter whether it’s paid or unpaid—the important part is the experience you get and the networking that takes place behind the scenes. If you are searching for a high-quality internship at a top company, it’s very likely that you will be paid somewhere in the range of $15-$25/hr, which is a huge upgrade from the typical summer jobs available to young adults (lifeguard, retail, golf course worker, etc.) The job market is getting more and more competitive each day, and having an internship on your resume is a great way to stand out. There is certainly no guarantee that you will turn the internship into a career, but it’s definitely a step in the right direction. Internships are definitely not a requirement for a recent college graduate, but they will sure up your chances of finding a real job after college. Check out this list of reasons why an internship can be so important. They could absolutely come in handy for any student currently interested in finding a new internship. But hurry, because spots are filling up fast!

Importance of Internships:

1.)  Networking

As previously stated, there is never a guarantee that you will end up working at the same company you interned for. In fact, many interns find positions at other companies upon graduation from college. This brings networking to the forefront. If you happen to land a quality internship, you need to focus on building your professional network. This means meeting and talking with managers, being respectful and helpful to coworkers, and going out of your way to meet new people who can help further your career. Being a part of an intern program is an excellent way to make future work connections, so you need to work hard to maximize the opportunity. It’s likely that you will be working for a high-level managerial staff, so establishing positive connections can be advantageous.

2.)  College Credit

Depending on the internship, there might be opportunity to earn college credit. Internships happen over the summer months, so picking up credits is an excellent option. Normally students spent their vacation months working a summer job and relaxing until the fall semester begins. With an internship, it’s possible to gain college credit, strengthen your resume, and make some good money all at the same time. Not every internship will offer course credit, so you need to do your research to find out which ones do.

3.)  Chances of Finding Work

Landing an internship is a huge deal, because it will virtually guarantee an overall increase in your chances of finding a great job after school. When human resources reviews a job application, they examine several factors. Some of the most important are educational background and relevant work experience. Internships are easier to land than full-time jobs, because companies will understand that college students will not have as much experience. But to them, these students represent a blank canvass.  The can be molded and sculpted to fulfill a role within an organization. College students typically have great problem solving and cognitive skills, so training them to succeed is usually easy.

4.)  On-The-Job Training

Simply put, the best way to learn a job from the inside out is to dive right in. All the reading and studying in the world won’t prepare you for the real-life situations that arise during the workday. Even if an internship only lasts a couple of months, companies will understand that you’ve taken over several new job responsibilities and will be a benefit to the organization. Interns learn high-quality job skills at a rapid rate, which helps boost their chances of getting hired upon graduation.

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Matthew Welch

Jobdiagnosis blog author Matthew Welch is an SEO strategist and content marketer from Boston, MA. Read blog content relating to job search by Matthew Welch.

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