Monthly Archives: March 2015

Realistic Jobs in Entertainment

realistic entertainment jobs

Usually when people think about the different jobs available in the entertainment industry, they start to think about movie stars or famous pop culture icons. But there are realistic positions available for the average worker, although sometimes they can be hard to find. You do not necessarily have to be a part of on-screen activities, […]

Networking Like a Boss

networking advice

Before our age of technology, people networked the old fashioned way. Handshakes, business meetings, lunches, golf outings, etc. Everything happened in person, which lead to fewer connections but stronger ones. Today, people are using social media all over the world to stay connected, which usually translates to a higher quantity of networking connections but a […]

The Importance of an Internship

importance of an internship

Finding a high quality internship should be the top priority of the vast majority of college students. It doesn’t matter whether it’s paid or unpaid—the important part is the experience you get and the networking that takes place behind the scenes. If you are searching for a high-quality internship at a top company, it’s very […]

Job Advice and Tips