Categories Job Search

Keep Yourself Busy Until You Find a Job!

Before you find your next job, you may not always be employed. There are a lot of jobseekers who have several months of gap to struggle with until they finally land a new job. Though you may be trying really hard to find the new job during the gap period, you are at a great risk too. Yes, a longer period of unemployment, with nothing to do at all, may harm your career.

A longer gap between one job and another doesn’t only do damage to your job search, but it may also cause you to become lazy. So, what should you do?

How should you deal with the unemployment gap? There’s one simple answer – keep yourself busy.

Remaining busy is important, because it helps you remain productive throughout the job search process. More importantly, it prevents you from getting frustrated. By being busy, you’ll also be able to maintain a good attitude that will impact your career positively.

Even if you don’t have a job, because you’re looking for one, there are several activities that can keep you occupied.

Here are a few important tips –

Wake Up Early

Getting up early in the morning has several benefits. Just because you don’t have to go to office doesn’t mean you should sleep late. According to experts, waking up early makes you more proactive, which means you’ll be more focused towards achieving your goals and making things happen. Those who rise early are also quite good at anticipating problems and dealing with them effectively. If you want to improve your chances of success, be an early riser.


In fact, one of the most important benefits of getting up early is that it provides you adequate time for a workout. Exercising regularly keeps you in good health as well as enhances your mood. For jobseekers, one of the best tips to avoid frustration and bad mood is to spend some time exercising every morning.

Evaluate Your Goals

Later through the day, it’s a good idea to devote some time to goal planning or evaluating your goals. Take a closer look at both your short-term and long-term goals to get a clear picture of where you’re headed and what you should do to fulfill your desired goals. If you don’t have the goals set already, start your goal planning right away.


Being the jobseeker of today, you should be fully aware that networking brings your career a number of benefits. If you plan to expedite your job search, you should always devote some time to connecting with people or professionals who could be of professional help.

It’s not just offline that you can connect with influential people. You should always leverage the benefits of social media (Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn) to find and network with professionals, industry leaders, recruiters, entrepreneurs, thought leaders etc. The network that you build now will keep you bringing benefits for the long term.


One of the most effective ways of keeping yourself busy during an unemployment gap is by participating in volunteering activities. There are different types of opportunities that you’ll find in or close to your own area. It’s a good idea to find a volunteering opportunity that connects to your chosen industry or occupation. In this way, you’ll connect with new people as well as add to your skills, strengths and talents, thereby benefiting your career.

Are you struggling with unemployment? What other activities have you chosen to indulge in to keep yourself occupied? Please comment.

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  • I keep busy with my Bible and volunteer services, visiting the sick and helping senior citizens, Library.