Categories Job Search

If You’re an Introvert Jobseeker

In this world, you’ll find both – introverts and extroverts. And you don’t always need to become extroverted or outgoing in order to achieve success in different spheres of life. In fact, there are many good traits that put an introverted person above an extrovert. But what about an introvert who’s looking for a job? How do they expedite their job search?

“You may feel pressured to be more outgoing and extroverted, especially during your job search. Don’t despair: Introverts possess many strengths, many of which are even admired by employers”, says Hannah Morgan, an author, speaker and blogger at Career Sherpa.

Once you are ready to accept the fact that you’re an introvert, you should identify your traits and make yourself ready to take full control of yourself so that you can overcome the obstacles of your job search. By becoming more self-aware, you’ll be able to utilize your core strengths and use them to aid your job search as well as attract the potential employers.

If you’re an introvert jobseeker, here are some tips –

Choose the Right Job

Depending on your skills or interests, you should always look for the right job in the first place. Some jobs might make you feel right at home instantly.When you know what kind of job you would like, you’ll have the passion to pursue the same.

Use Social Media

In-person networking may sometimes cause a lot of stress. Not to worry, you have an awesome networking tool today that’s social media. Apart from connecting with influential people across the web, you can also use social media channels to showcase your skills and strengths.

Get active on social media websites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Google Plus. Launch a professional blog where you can both network and advertise your unique strengths.

Conduct Extensive Online Research

Whether it’s about finding about a particular company or interviewer, good research can ease the pressure quickly. When you have in-depth information, you’ll be more confident to face questions, answer appropriately, and make well-informed decisions about accepting job offers. Thankfully, the web is a wonderful medium to conduct your research right from the comfort of your own home. Leverage the benefits of the internet.

Practice, Practice, and Practice Some More

Even if you’re an introverted jobseeker, lots of practice ahead of time will make you feel more confident. Choose a close friend of yours and practice answering interview questions with them. You can practice on your own as well by choosing any object in front of you and addressing it as an audience.

Talk about Achievements or Rewards

While talking to an employer or a hiring manager, you should always look for an opportunity to talk about what good things you have achieved. Introverted people have the ability to communicate their accomplishments with a lot of passion, so much so that they can impress the listener.

Don’t Fear Rejection

Don’t ever let the fear of rejection overwhelm you. As you begin your journey into the real world, you are sure to be met with disappointments or rejection at different stages of your career. Instead of holding yourself up due to the fear of failures or rejections, get ready to fail and learn from your bad experiences. Unless you know why you failed, you won’t be able to obtain success.

Are you an introvert? Please share your views or experiences.

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