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7 Career Tips for Fresh College Graduates

Fresh college graduates are always badly in need of expert career advice. As a new college grad steps into the real world, they need to become aware of several important things. Whether it’s about getting ready for the interview, getting the job, getting along with others in the workplace or keeping the career on the right track, advices or tips are needed at every step.

If you are fresh college graduate too, you run a high risk of making mistakes concerning your career. But by abiding by some key tips, you can keep yourself safe and growing as a professional.

Here are seven tips college graduates should follow –

#1. Know Your Strengths or Key Skills

Before you take a plunge into the real world, you should become aware of your strong points or unique skills. Most of the times, new college grads make mistakes with their career because they don’t know what skills come to them naturally and what talents set them apart from others.

So, the very first step is to become self-aware. If you find it tough to identify your strengths, taking a career test is always advisable.

#2. Pick the Right Career

The average professional changes their career at least 4-5 times in a lifetime. This happens only because they are unable to choose the right career path when they first begin. As a fresh college graduate, you should never choose a career you aren’t passionate about or won’t fit in.

On the basis of your strengths, aptitude and skills, you should be able to choose a career path that suits you best.

#3. Don’t Completely Ignore Entry Level Jobs

It’s quite easy to say ‘No’ to or ignore entry level jobs. In a tough economy, it’s not always possible to get hired for your dream job as quickly as you graduate from college. However, many college grads waste a lot of their valuable time waiting for the perfect job opportunity to arise.

A wise thing is to get started with an entry level job that relates to your chosen career or field of work. There are several benefits of getting an entry level job and starting your career as quickly as possible.

#4. Spend More Time with People

Fresh college grads waste a lot of their time on unnecessary things. What you should actually do is spend as much time with people or professionals as possible. Whether it’s offline or online, you should try to connect with more and more people and let them know that you’re looking for a job.

#5. Create a Career Plan

Don’t ignore the significance of having a career development plan. As a smart college graduate, you should clearly know where you are right now, where you want to reach and what you need to do to fulfill your goals. Most importantly, you should have it all in writing.

#6. Improve Your Social Media Profiles

Social media is unavoidable. Whether it’s about getting hired or growing your career, you’ll always need to embrace the social media technology. Online social platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter can help you a great deal, provided you use them like a professional.

If you already have accounts on popular social media websites, you should ensure your profile is up-to-date with all the necessary information that potential employers will be looking for.

#7. Be Positive

One of the biggest problems with many new college graduates is that they lack a positive mindset. When you begin, you are very likely to face failures or rejections. However, you should never get depressed or irritated. You should always look at failures as experiences and learn from them.

Are you a fresh college graduate? How do you plan to kick-start your career and achieve success for the long term?

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