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Top Patriotic Jobs 2015

With the passing of July 4, we at JobDiagnosis can’t help but think of the most patriotic careers for the 2015 job market. The landscape is constantly changing, and there are plenty of patriotic career opportunities for workers who love America. If you want a career directly related to protecting your country, then take a look at the following opportunities!

Patriotic Jobs for 2015

1.)    Military

There are a broad range of jobs available to military personnel, and they don’t necessarily involve combat. There are engineers, intelligence specialists, and even computer programmers. Most will serve overseas, but there are also plenty of opportunities on American soil. For many of these entry-level type positions, the pay is not great. In fact, it probably should be a lot higher considering the sacrifices they make on a daily basis—putting their lives on the line to protect the freedom of American citizens. But it’s a sacrifice they are willing to make for our country. For that reason, military members are the most patriotic of them all. One of the benefits of military service is the fact that you can receive a free college education after serving. Those who choose to take advantage of these opportunities can further their careers immensely. There is also a nice pension after 20 years of service for those willing to serve for a longer period of time.

2.)    Homeland Security

Terrorism is omnipresent on American soil. As a result, there is always a high demand for homeland security specialists. They enact counterterrorism measures and work vehemently to keep our soil free of danger. There are many ways to pursue a career in this field, and many colleges will even offer degrees in it. Homeland security professionals help protect American borders, airports, seaports, and various waterways. They also keep up to date on the latest and greatest security technologies, and review / respond to security threats. Many veterans end up working for the DHS after service, but there are also entry-level careers for students, and even flexible short-term projects for retirees.

3.)    Firefighter & Police

Firefighters and police officers are some of the most patriotic workers out there. They risk their lives on a daily basis to protect the interests of Americans. Sometimes finding work in these fields can be difficult, and it takes some perseverance and patience. Many cops start out in other careers, like security, military, or loss prevention. Firefighters don’t have it much easier—in fact, these jobs can be even more competitive. It all comes down to knowing the right people and making the right connections. Consider volunteering as you start your career.

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