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Top 5 Jobs for Retirees

When people retire and leave their job it frees up a good portion of your day. Sure you can keep yourself busy with household tasks, but eventually it might get boring being home all day. If your health is good and you feel up for it, you should consider taking a part time job to supplement your income. Not only will you be able to pick a job you actually enjoy, but it will also be nice to have that extra paycheck coming in every week. For people who are collecting retirement funds, it could be a good way to ensure that you are spending your money at a sustainable rate, but still doing all of the activities that you love to do. Saving more of your retirement funds means that you will be able to travel more, and have more money to support your family.

Best part time jobs for retirees

1.)    Cashier-

This is a great job for retirees because you will get to work with people all day, and retail managers are willing to hire employees that want flexible hours. Cashiers can make $10/hour, but when you are retired the money doesn’t matter as much as the opportunity to serve guests and make them happy. It will keep you from becoming bored and the extra paycheck will come in handy when you are trying to manage your expenses. Just be aware that you will most likely spend the day on your feet, but accommodations can be made to make your workday more comfortable.

2.)    Stadium Usher-

These positions are usually seasonal, but can provide you with an excellent opportunity to make some extra income and watch some of your favorite sports in the process. Many of the ushers working in professional sports are retired, so you should consider joining the ranks. It’s a fun job that you’ll only find yourself at a few times per week. Pick your favorite sports team and check to see if there are seasonal opportunities to work in the industry.

3.)    Customer Service-

Many retired professionals work in customer service. You can use what you’ve learned in your previous career to help find this type of job. Customer service workers operate in many different industries, but the most common types of jobs are at call centers or help desks. If you want to be a good customer service agent, make sure you are good with handling people who may not may not be upset. You’ll have plenty of angry callers that you need to soothe.

4.)    Odd Jobs-

If you’ve ever seen a bulletin board in a public place chances are you’ve seen all types of different services being offered. Babysitting, tutoring, dog walking/sitting, and junk removal are some of the options. If you specialize in any of these areas, consider posting your own flyer. You can place them in the center of town, in a park, or at some local businesses. You can make a good amount of money, and you’ll enjoy providing a service that you are good at.

5.)    Research-

Depending on the type of jobs you have held, there may be an opportunity to take your expertise to the University level and provide research. You can assist graduate students with their research projects, or even help produce publications for your department.

There are many great jobs available for retirees, all it takes is a little bit of hard work to find the job you want. Get online and search for opportunities, or hit the streets and start posting ads for services. Having extra money is essential, because at the end of the day you want to have money to do the things you love. It will improve your quality of life and prevent you from getting bored being at home all day. 

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