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Top 5 Green Tech Jobs

These days, nearly every consumer, homeowner and business has a focus on energy efficiency.  The trend continues to grow stronger, making green tech jobs a high demand field. Energy efficiency, renewable energy and recycling, as well as other practices all set the standards for a green economy, and a job marketplace that will continue to grow. As a result, there are some excellent career choices. According to data collected by the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, the top 5 positions within green technology are as follows:


In the energy industry, electricians play a significant role in the installation of solar panels, power grids at power plants and transformers.  The career is one that offers an excellent future with an estimated 12 percent growth through 2018 and an average annual earnings of $51,810.  For solar jobs, the five best states are California, Colorado, Arizona, Pennsylvania and New York.  California contains 1/4 of all the nation’s solar jobs (26,000).  In terms of the number of solar jobs produced per capita, Colorado ranks the highest.  Arizona has nearly a 1,000 different companies offering solar jobs, benefiting over 4,700 employees. It’s a growing industry and electricians will always play a significant role. Their work is essential. We are now developing batteries that are cheap and more cost effective than fossil fuels, and electricians play a huge part in that.


Energy efficient homes and businesses help to improve living standards and lower costs, and the demand is greater than ever, making green construction jobs more prominent. Carpenters are a necessary part of the construction process.  Green construction includes using materials from recycled or old materials once used in buildings and homes, as well as implementing solar and renewable energy items like solar panels and geothermal energy.  The percent growth through 2018 for green carpenters is estimated to be 13 percent.  The average annual earnings of carpenters are $43, 890.  It’s a specialized area of expertise.


The role of a geoscientist is to find sources of geothermal heat from different sources like rock formations and hot rock beds.  A geoscientist can also serve as a consultant for various environmental projects.  Most geoscientists spend their time working between offices and laboratories, as well as working outdoors.  The outdoor work includes investigations and research and often referred to as fieldwork and can require extensive travel to remote locations and irregular working hours.  The percent growth through 2018 is expected to be 18 percent and the average annual earnings of geoscientists are $93,380.

Plumbers, Pipefitters and Steamfitters

Several green industries require the expertise of plumbers, pipefitters and steamfitters.  Steam is directed to create energy.  Work includes the installation and maintenance of piping at geothermal plants, ethanol power plants and within water and solar heaters.  The percent growth through 2018 is expected to be 16 percent and the average annual earnings of plumbers, pipefitters and steamfitters are $50,360.  It’s a great place to work if general labor is your thing but you still want to earn a lot of money.


Green engineers are engineers that solve environmental concerns within various projects.  The most important aspect of their job is to deal with sewage disposal, and various kinds of waste disposal as sewage and waste has a tremendous impact on the environment.  The growth through 2018 is expected to be 31 percent.  The average annual earnings of a green engineer are $83,160.

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