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Top 10 Cities For Young Adults

After you are done with school, you might be like many college graduates and other young adults and not be sure where you should live. It can be hard to determine which cities that you should choose from when you are done with college and you are trying to find out where you should live. You will want to choose a city that will be able to keep you happy, content, and where there are a lot of young people that you would get to know. All of this on top of which city you would be able to find a good job in. Here is a list of the top cities that you should choose from when you are first out of college and looking for a new place to live and work: Dallas, Las Vegas, Indianapolis, Fort Worth, Cincinnati, Columbus, Austin, Charlotte, Phoenix, and Denver.

How was the top 10 cities for young adults determined?

There were several different factors that were taken into consideration when coming up with this list. These included how much the average rent was for an apartment, how many jobs were available, what the unemployment rate was in the city, and the demographics of the area. The one that you choose will depends on a lot of factors including what region you would like to live in, what job you would like to have, and what age group you would like to be around as you are starting your adult life.


There are a lot of regions in this country, so you are able to choose from many areas. You can even choose the average temperature of the area that you would like to live. If you are from the Midwest and want to stay in that area, you might want to consider Cincinnati or Columbus to live in. On the other hand, you may be ready to get out of the cold winters and would rather move down South. There are many great cities in every region, so options to help you with that will not be limited.


One of the most important thing that you will have to take into consideration before you pick an area is whether you will be able to get a job that you will enjoy in that area. It does not matter if you live in the perfect area, if you are not able to find a job that you will like, you will not be happy. There are some areas of the country that will have more job openings that fit your likes and your degree compared to others, so you will need to take this into consideration. Make sure to do your research ahead of time to ensure that you find the perfect area with the perfect jobs.

Age Group

If you are just out of college, you will want to make sure to have the right age group around you, so that you can have some fun while you are still young. It will not be very exciting if you move to an area that is full of retired people, and no one your own age is around. This will mean that you will need to exclude a lot of areas that are in Florida since this is a hot spot for retirement. All of the cities that are listed above have checked out the demographics, and they fit well within the 25-29 age group. This is perfect if you are looking to get to know people that you will enjoy.

Family Life

At some time you will probably want to consider wanting to have a family. There are many places that you can live in and enjoy as an individual and with someone you love, but the areas that are available for a family to be in safely are a bit smaller. If you are interested in having a family someday, you will want to pick a city that is safe, has a lot of families nearby, has some good schools, and where you will be able to find a nice house in a good neighborhood.

There are many different cities that you can choose to live in throughout this country. It is a good idea to take the time to do your research before getting out of college, in order to find the city that is able to meet all of your needs. In some instances you may be stuck in a certain city, because it is the first one that you can get a job in. However, after some time passes, you will have the experience and the time to look around a little bit more to find the city where you really want to live. You should check out the cities that are listed above to find the perfect place for you to reside. Any of them could be your next home.

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