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Surviving Company Layoffs

Your company is clearing house and you think you might be the next to go. But you need your job, and your fixed expenses, such as car payment, mortgage, health insurance, etc. need to be paid. Company-wide layoffs can be tough, and the stress level associated with them can be even tougher. Anybody can be subject to layoffs due to corporate restructuring, but you want to prove to your employer that you aren’t just a number in a computer system. This article will show you how to cope with the stress, and prove your worth and value to your employer. You want to show them that you aren’t expendable, and that your presence in your organization should not be overlooked.

Tips to Survive a Company Layoff

Connect with HR and Senior Level Executives

Sometimes surviving company layoffs comes down to getting your name and face out there. By connecting with colleagues who will ultimately be responsible for your involuntary dismissal, and discussing ways that you go above and beyond to further company goals, you can make yourself a good candidate to stick around after the layoffs happen.

Work Extra Hours

In this day and age, salaried employees constantly find themselves going the extra mile to further company goals and objectives. When the executives are deciding who they want to lay off, they are looking at several factors, some of which you may not be able to control. However, by pushing your limits and working more, you can set yourself apart from the pack and become known as someone who will do whatever it takes to make sure the company succeeds.

Cope With the Stress

Let’s face it; there really aren’t many more stressful situations than the possibility of losing your job. Adults need some source of income, especially if you are supporting others or paying for real-world expenses. If you lose your job, unemployment can only help so much, and eventually it expires. If you work in a specialized field or even just a highly competitive one, finding a new job isn’t exactly a walk in the park.

Separating yourself from your work whenever possible is the best way to overcome the anxiety. Get out of the office and go partake in your favorite activity. Biking, walking, running, hiking, etc. are all acceptable options. Exercise is the best way to relieve anxiety, and if you couple it with something that you truly enjoy doing the stress with subside.

If exercise and leisure aren’t enough, just contemplate the ways that you are beneficial to the company, and try to improve on them. Prove to HR and senior-level executives that you aren’t just some expendable number in a computer system. Show them how hard you can work, and how valuable you are to the company. By doing this, you show them that letting you go is a terrible decision. Lazy, mediocre employees are always the first to go during company restructuring.

Sometimes layoffs, especially large-scale ones, are out of your control. But if you can set yourself apart from the pack, and prove to your employer that your services are essential to the organization, you stand a chance of keeping your job. Everybody gets stressed and anxious when the layoffs are occurring, but the essential employees are kept around. You just need to prove your worth to your employer. Hard work and perseverance can only help boost your reputation and stock in the company. Cope with the stress by getting your mind off work. However, when you go back to your desk, work as hard as you can. Go above and beyond to further the companies objectives. At the end of the day, you’ll be happy that you were able to keep your job because of it. 

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