Categories CareercommuteWorkplace

Saving Money at Work

Most people spend money regularly throughout the week, but not many realize the true costs. $2.00 here, $10 there, etc. It adds up quickly. Luckily there are ways to reduce your expenses throughout the week by only making a few minor adjustments. The best way to manage these expenses is to create an excel budget, but it doesn’t need to be an exact science. Take a look through your old credit card statements and start collecting your receipts from miscellaneous purchases if you typically use cash. The monthly total might surprise you. For those who recently graduated from college and are carrying significant student debt, the following tips might come in handy. It’s all about eliminating wasted spend!

Bring Food

Most people spend money eating at restaurants every day. Sometimes it’s unavoidable and circumstances prevent you from bringing your own lunch. But whenever you can, bring food! It’s significantly cheaper to purchase groceries and make food yourself. Employees who eat out for lunch daily might spend anywhere from $50-$100 per week, especially if you factor in breakfast. If you bring your own food, it doesn’t have to be plain and boring, either. Try crafting some homemade creations to spice up your meal choices. It might not seem like a lot of money, but when you break it down month by month it adds up. For breakfast, eat something at home. Buying breakfast out can get really expensive, but it’s one of the cheapest meals to make!

Walking & Biking

Some people don’t have the option to walk or bike to work, but for those who live and work in metropolitan areas it’s a great way to save money. Public transportation is certainly affordable, but nothing beats the feeling of getting some great exercise for no cost! It’s also a great way for the environmentally aware to do their part. No driving means less fossil fuels being burned!

Public Transportation over Cars

Cars are expensive, and even newer vehicles can have their fair share of problems. Having a car is essential to some, but if you don’t really need one it’s in your best interest to take public transportation. It’s cheaper, you can get work done during your commute, and you never have to worry about parking. You will avoid the dreaded car payment and save money year after year. If you truly need a car but want to save some money, consider buying a used vehicle. New cars lose most of their value within the first few years, so looking at cars that are 2-3 years old will not only save you money but allow you to purchase the car you actually want. You can still have all the features—but at an affordable price.


Speaking from personal experience, it’s possible to spend $1000’s per year on coffee without even realizing it. The major chains and popular coffee shops might charge anywhere from $2-$5 per beverage. One coffee isn’t expensive, but if you get 1-2 per day, that might equal over 500 beverage per year. At $2 per beverage, which is on the cheaper end, that’s somewhere around $1000 per year! Start making your own brew. If you appreciate convenience and efficiency, consider buying a single serving coffee maker. If you think about purchases from a long-term perspective, it will open your eyes. Imagine saving a couple thousand each year from a few simple lifestyle adjustments? It’s a possibility—make it happen!

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