Last Minute Summer Jobs: There’s Still Time

summer jobs

The summer job season has already begun, but there are still plenty of places hiring workers. But you need to act fast. If you are having trouble finding a summer job, or simply have not started looking, you should try focusing your search on one of the following locations.

Last Minute Summer Jobs

1.)    Retail

Retail stores are always hiring. These jobs are usually high turnover, and there’s even a chance that someone who started a summer job has already quit or been fired. Companies like Walmart, Target, Best Buy, and Home Depot are excellent places to look. However, if you are looking for full-time work these jobs might not be the best option, because they tend to hire workers at most 28 hours per week. But it can even be a place to supplement your income in a part-time function. Retail isn’t for everyone, but it pays the bills.

2.)    Grocery

Grocery jobs are considered retail, but they deserve their own category. The day to day job responsibilities of grocery workers are similar to that of retail employees, but with some key differences. Simply put, at a grocery store there are more options. You could work directly with customers as a cashier, bagger, or customer service employee. But there are more specialized jobs as well, like the meat and seafood department, the bakery, or even prepared foods. They even have third shift overnight stocking if that’s what you prefer.

3.)    Country Club

Country club jobs start early in the season, but they are usually high turnover positions. Also, right now is when these clubs are at their busiest. School is either out or almost out in most places, which usually means an influx of activity around this time. Country clubs usually don’t require much or any experience, and there is a wide variety of jobs available, including food service, grounds maintenance, and member services (starter, golf cart washer, club cleaner, locker room attendant, etc.)

4.)    Self-Employment

Sometimes earning money over the summer means getting creative. You don’t need to be on a payroll to earn the cash you need. For students, try tutoring. You can make excellent money and it helps sharpen your educational skills for the next school year. Or, look for a babysitting gig. If you like kids or have close family friends, this is a great option. Plus, it’s great to leave at the end of every shift with cash in your pocket.

Summer job season is fast approaching, and many have already started. However, there is still time! As always, start your search with!

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Matthew Welch

Jobdiagnosis blog author Matthew Welch is an SEO strategist and content marketer from Boston, MA. Read blog content relating to job search by Matthew Welch.

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  1. Lachila Weston

    I’m having a lot of trouble finding a job I Really Need A Job.I Think it’s time I start living on my own,and it would be nice if I could have my own money..


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