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Hottest Careers of 2015

Another year has come and gone, and the economy continues to grow at a steady rate. The job landscape in America is changing and several “hot” careers are surfacing. Considering a career change? Choosing from the following list is an excellent occupational move, since the demand for workers is currently outweighing the supply. Get onto JobDiagnosis and start your job search today! It’s a mix of jobs that may or may not require a degree, so focus on a career that applies to your situation.

Top 5 Careers for 2015

1.)    Software Developer

Typically pursuit of a software development position requires completion of a four year bachelor’s degree. There are some exceptions to this rule, but for the most, part finding this type of job without a relevant education is unadvised. A bachelor’s degree in computer science is usually a prerequisite. America boasts some of the most talented professionals in this field. The work can certainly be outsourced, but quality usually suffers. This translates to top-quality remuneration for American workers. The average salary is $90,000 per year, and many will earn six-figures. It’s an excellent job that is expected to grow along with the economy.

2.)    Web Developer

The internet is a great place to earn money. Almost every company benefits from a solid website, especially those dealing with retail, sales, or customer service. There is no college degree requirement for web development, although a four year degree is helpful for the higher-level positions. Often times web developers work as independent contractors and charge a flat rate for the entire project. Doing so requires the ability to accurately scope projects and work well under deadlines. Also, a portfolio of past work is a great addition to a web developer’s resume. The average salary is 60,000 per year depending on location and job responsibilities.

3.)    Physical Therapist

Physical therapy jobs can be obtained in several ways. If you are pondering a career change, then consider a two-year physical therapy assistant program at a local state or community college. Typically these classes fit around the 9-5 work schedule so finding classes shouldn’t be an issue. To become a physical therapist, a great deal of educational background is required. Most have a master’s or PhD. Physical therapy will always be a relevant career, and job opportunities grow as baby boomers move into retirement age. It’s typically the elderly that require physical therapy, although younger people with certain injuries benefit from these services as well. The average salary for assistants is $53,000 per year. For physical therapists, the average salary is $79,000.

4.)    Truck Driver

Truck driving has always been an excellent career. It doesn’t require a college degree but does require proper training and licensure. Truck school does cost money, but there are plenty of options to help with payment. Many companies offer student trucking programs and pay for all costs. However, beware of what you are signing up for if you decide to take this route. Many student trucking programs require over the road driving, which means you will be away from home of extended periods of time. If you pay for classes/licensure yourself, there will be multiple job opportunities available. There are currently more jobs than workers, and companies pay a premium rate to move freight across the country. The average salary for company drivers is $40,000 per year. If you become an owner-operator, there is six-figure income potential.

5.)    Registered Nurse

Nursing is a rapidly growing profession. Workers are flocking to hospitals across the country, and there is plenty of opportunity. One of the perks of being a nurse is the overtime potential. Typically nurses work twelve hour shifts. Working 4-5 days per week or squeezing in some double shifts could translate to an extra 10-20 hours of overtime. The average wage for nurses is about $30/hr, and during overtime it bumps up to $45/hr. This could mean an extra $450-$900 per week in overtime pay. Nurses work hard and see a lot of people who are struggling with health issues. But if you can get over it, the earning potential is too good to pass up. If you are considering changing careers to nursing, keep in mind that many jobs can be obtained with only a two-year associate’s degree. However, management or teaching positions will require a four year bachelor’s and then a master’s degree.

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