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Got the Job? Here are 5 Things You Must Do in Your First Week

Starting a new job is a very exciting time.  But with the excitement comes some pressure.  This is no time to slack or be distracted; you want to be on point and make the best possible first impression.  In your first week at a job, you are taking in a whole new atmosphere, new people and new routine.  There is no way of knowing beforehand exactly what the job and workplace will be like.  To help ease the uncertainty, there are a few steps you can focus on in your first week on the job that are sure to help you make an excellent first impression:

1)  Ask plenty of questions

You aren’t expected to know everything, and there is no more appropriate time to ask questions than your first week on the job.  If you start assuming how you should do things instead of asking someone with more experience, you are setting yourself up for catastrophes later on down the road.  So ask away; your boss and co-workers will respect you for making the extra effort to find out how things should be done, instead of presuming to know everything.

2)  Take copious notes

Any processes, usernames and passwords, significant numbers, links, names, etc. that you learn on your first week on the job should be recorded.  Even if something seems trivial, write it down anyways.  You have a lot of information to absorb your first week on the job, and cannot possibly commit everything to memory.  And having notes to refer to will prevent you from wasting time trying to find out everything you forgot.

3)  Open Your Ears

In your first week, you are going to be taking in important suggestions and information that will be of high value to how effectively you perform your job.  So be sure not to zone out, and listen as intently as possible.  When you are being trained, don’t feel the need to make conversation just for the sake of it.  There will be plenty of time for that down the road.  In your first week on the job, only speak when you feel you have something absolutely necessary to contribute to the conversation.

4)  Introductions, introductions, and more introductions

Your co-workers are likely to be busy, so take the initiative to introduce yourself to everyone you encounter in your first week on the job.  Be particularly sure to seek out the higher-ups in the company and people that have been at the company a long time and can help show you the ropes.  If you don’t make introductions now, it will be harder to find the right time to do it after you have been at the company for a while.  Plus, establishing these relationships early on will make you feel more at ease in your new job.

5)  Update Your LinkedIn Profile

Add your new job title to your LinkedIn profile so that your network is aware.  Then start connecting with your new co-workers in your first week on the job.  This will help you establish yourself as a part of the company, and learn about the people you are working with.  You may also be able to find LinkedIn groups related to your new job where you can find resources to help you develop your skills.

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