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Finishing Your College Degree

With so many young students exhilarated about starting college, it is amazing how many of them drop out. In the current situation where jobs have been stretched out to the max and unemployment rates have risen, finishing your college degree has become incredibly important.

Even though students are aware of the long term benefits of finishing their college degree, there are many reasons that compel them to drop out of college.

People drop out of school for these reasons

Financial Reasons

As higher education becomes more and more costly and tuition rates continue to increase, many college students find it difficult to generate a sustainable income with college tuition fees. Other college expenses include expenditures on the food items, course books, travelling, accommodation etc. All such activities make students question their ability to afford their college studies.

 Mental Barriers

College studies have an increased level of difficulty as compared to the high school courses. Many students get convinced that they have limited intellect and are not smart enough to qualify for college courses. This mental barrier affects their performance, hampering their academic ability and ultimately forcing them to drop out.

 Social Barriers

 Graduating college requires a serious effort. Spending more and more time in studies and less time with friends and family can also stress out some college students. Not being able to spend ample time with friends and family can lead to students dropping out.

 Attraction of a Job

Some students are lucky enough to land a good temporary job and start making a reasonable income, since they are enticed by the job market and feel that it is more fruitful to get a full time job rather than pursue a college degree which will hinder lifetime career earnings.

But, you must understand the importance of acquiring a college degree! There is no doubt that once you have started a program at college, finishing it stands out as the best option.

 Benefits of a College Degree

Finishing your college degree will bring you intrinsic and extrinsic benefits! Getting a college degree is a good investment in yourself. The most obvious extrinsic benefit of finishing your college degree is that it helps your acquire a high-end job. And it is not only that! It also paves the way for your career growth and advancement as well.

The courses taught in colleges prepare you for the practical world. They allow you to think of possible career options. And it is after careful selection that you can pursue the job which you feel is congruent with your interests. College education makes you think, evaluate, analyze and make decisions.

Apart from career and money, think about all the great friends you get to make in college. As you survive together through thick and thin and come out as college grads, you will have made many friends with whom you shared the best and worst of times. You get to meet people with different backgrounds and culture, and you gradually learn manage and cope up with the diversities of life.

Now, if you are serious about finishing your college degree – as you should be – know that there are a number of options available for you to pursue the degree. Your family might have opened up a college fund for your studies; you can withdraw from the account to pay for your education.

If you have no college savings, then, there is no need to fret. You can take out a student loan or even go to a community college, which could prove to be more affordable.

If none of these options appeal to you, then try taking online classes while studying from home!

The bottom line is that whatever you do and whichever way you choose to acquire a college education, finishing your degree is the right decision to make. As a fresh graduate, you are like a newborn baby – a whole world, a place, full of career possibilities and opportunities for you. The most popular jobs for fresh grads include:


  • Sales Agent for Insurance –insurance agents earn $63,400 annually on average.
  • Specialist of Public Relations – with a potential of 23% growth in this industry till 2020, public relations specialists currently make around $62,000 annually;
  • Management Analyst or Computer Analyst – both jobs allow you make on an average about $80,000 annually.

Accountant/Auditor/Financial Advisor/Financial Consultant – with a good potential for increasing salary, on average this occupation could net you $71,000 annually.

  • Marketing Specialists – this job can get you on an average an annual salary of about $67,000.
  • Software Developers – working as a software developer to develop systems software can be the most lucrative of all jobs and has a potential of fetching you $102,000 annually

Focus on tomorrow – not today. If you strive hard today and finish your college degree, you will reap the benefits tomorrow. So make the smart choice and know that finishing your college degree is a life changer!

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