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Find a Job With No Experience

Don’t let lack of experience hold you back. There are jobs available for those who lack experience, and many of them offer excellent opportunities for advancement. Jobseekers are always presented with the problem of not having enough experience to land a particular job, even if it’s what they want to do for a career. But there are ways to make it happen, although you might need to seek an alternate route.

1.)    Start Small

Entry level jobs usually don’t require experience, although there are definitely exceptions. But, sometimes you need to start small and work your way up the company ladder. Almost every company offers some sort of advancement and career potential. For example, entry level retail jobs can turn into department manager roles, and eventually store or even regional / district manager positions. If you can’t find a job and it’s because of experience, lower your standards a little bit. If you work hard and prove your value, a promotion won’t fall too far behind.

2.)    Advancement Potential

If you are planning on starting in an entry-level role but intend on moving up, you need to make sure there will be opportunities available later in your career. And these opportunities need to offer you long-term potential. Otherwise, the position is simply a temporary job to hold you over until the next role comes along. Do yourself a favor. Research companies and find those opportunities that you can see yourself working at long-term. Otherwise, it’s just a stopgap, and that’s not a good mix when it comes to career longevity.

3.)    Internships

Internships are the perfect means of getting the entry-level experience out of the way. You not only get your foot in the door, but you also prove that you will be a valuable asset to the company. Sometimes the nature of internship work can be frustrating, and you might find yourself making all the Starbucks runs at 8AM. But that’s what you need to do to move into a better role, especially at the bigger companies. A lot of internships pay handsomely, but some are unpaid. But you need to think about it from a long-term perspective. You’ll make more money over time if you make this type of sacrifice, and it looks good on a resume.

4.)    Education

The best recipe for lack of experience is education. And it doesn’t have to be fancy book learning, either. Think vet assistant, skilled trade, or even nursing. There are two year associates degree programs available at a discount through local community colleges that will set you up for jobs that pay handsomely. For example, future dental hygienists can land a job after two years of education. For a job that pays 60k+, that’s not a bad investment. Plus, these programs are designed around the typical 9-5 work schedule, which makes it easy to study while you work. Education is one of the best investments you can make, and it will automatically set you up for bigger and better opportunities. Sometimes you’ll need some experience under your belt, but refer to steps 1 and 3 for a way around it.

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