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Don’t Aim at Getting the Easiest Job Possible!

The economy is still sluggish. College graduates are extremely desperate to land jobs as quickly as possible. In a bid to get a job before anyone else from their batch does, they start to aim at getting the easiest job possible. The easiest job means a job in any sector or any industry, with a good salary offer. But is aiming for the easiest jobs a good idea?

According to a new study, only 27.3% of college graduates have a job that is related to their major.

This interesting data clearly indicates the large number of college grads that get job unrelated to their majors.

The Importance of that First Job

For college graduates who plan to build a successful career, getting that first job of their interest is imperative. Once you start to apply for jobs, you may feel tempted to take the sure and easy route. But the first job that you accept should be  related to the skills you carry and be the foundation for the career path you intend to continue on.

Before you start applying for jobs, you should –

Decide the criteria for a good job
Clearly understand the role you want to take
Consider opportunities of learning and growth
Focus on your ultimate career goals
Think about your future

Choosing your first job on the basis of all the tips mentioned above will make sure you get a first job that helps you build a successful career.

Don’t Get the Easiest, Get the Right One

Getting the easiest job possible can jeopardize your entire career. Most of the college graduates will never think twice if they get a high-salary job offer. If money is all on your mind, you can quickly lose track of where you want to take your career as a professional.

Rather than getting the easiest job, you should try to get a job that suits your skills and knowledge the best. Sometimes, it may take a little more time landing a job that helps you build your dream career. But you should never lose patience and deviate from your chosen career path.

Go for a Career Test

Depending on your college major and what you want to do in life, you should be able to decide the right job for you. But it’s also easy to get confused as every college major offers a wide range of career options. With a degree in communications, for example, you can enter into write/editing careers, public relations, advertising , event planning and customer service jobs among others.

That’s exactly why career tests are valuable.

By taking a career assessment test, you’ll quickly become aware of the strengths and weakness that comprise you. Based on your most powerful skills, a career test will also suggest you best career or job options.

No matter what industry or sector you want to get into after getting out of college, it’s vital that you start working towards your career right from your first job. Never accept a job offer based on salary or other employee benefits. Never settle for the easiest job that you can get. Always aim at getting the right job, which takes you closer to your career dreams.

Do you think you are in the right job? Please comment.

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