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College Degrees With Worst ROI

When you make the decision to attend college, you need to keep in mind that there are some majors that require higher education after your bachelors in order to land the job that you want. This is not to say that these majors aren’t worthwhile. They just require a little more education and a little more effort to achieve the results that you set out to grasp as a college freshman. If you majored in one of these subjects, it’s not the end of the world, there are still plenty of jobs available, and every college graduate with a degree is a strong candidate for the workplace. These rankings are based more on return on investment and ability to land a job once you graduate. Keep your head held high and gain the experience you need to advance in your career.

Weakest ROI for College Majors


History can be considered one of the weakest college majors because there are not many entry-level positions directly related to history. In fact, most history majors find themselves working in an entirely different industry if they hope to establish a career. If you want a job as a historian, it helps if you have completed your masters or PhD. Before you commit to a degree in history, think of your return on investment, especially if you are attending a private college, since they typically cost more money than state schools. If you are okay with taking on some low paying jobs while you search for career stability, then pull the trigger on a history degree.

Religious Studies

If you want to pursue a career in religion, whether it’s teaching, preaching, managing a youth camp, etc., then a major in religious studies could be a good option. However, if you aren’t going to pursue a career in one of these fields, then your job prospects might be slim once you hit the marketplace. Most people who major in religious studies go on to pursue a career that is unrelated. The return on investment for this college major is below average, so maybe consider it as a minor if it truly interests you.


If you major in sociology, your chances of landing a job are actually pretty good. In fact, if you enjoy the idea of a lifetime of social work, then you should go for it. However, a career in social work means that you will never be well remunerated, and there is limited room for advancement. If low pay doesn’t scare you, and you want to help others, then you should consider a career in sociology.


This degree is only weak as a simple bachelors, but your career prospects are high if you continue your education. As a bachelor’s degree, the career prospects for a psychology major are slim. Also, the pay is low for psychology majors, since you will most likely be working in human services or as a career/guidance counselor. However, don’t let the low pay with a bachelors scare you, because if you can make it to the PhD level, your earnings will be much higher than average.

Fine Arts

A Fine Arts major can be considered weak because it will have a bad return on investment and it’s difficult to land a high-paying job without extensive experience or a solid social network of art connoisseurs. If you are simply a college graduate with a major in fine arts, you might be qualified to work as an associate at a museum, or if you are lucky as an assistant to a fine arts connoisseur. Understanding art history is important for everyone, but pursuing a college degree in this field of study may not be the best option for career prospects.

Although these degrees have been deemed “weak,” they are by no means degrees that you should steer clear of if you have a serious interest or love in the subject. However, you need to have a plan, and be open to working on a lower pay grade as you work your way up in your career. Life will be challenging in the short-term, but if you persevere you will eventually find what you are looking for. 

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