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Best Jobs for Thrill Seekers

Most Americans find themselves sitting behind a desk or in a cubicle for the greater portion of their work day. Many also work in retail, where hours on your feet and constant customer service are paramount to successful completion of your job. You wouldn’t exactly call many of these jobs “fun.” In fact, most of us struggle to make it through each day, and we are only comforted by the fact that our paycheck will end up in our bank account week after week. However, some people have it lucky. They have found their calling in professions that many of us would love to have.

Here are the best jobs for thrill seekers

Skydiving Instructor

Skydiving has become an increasingly popular pastime for many different people. You can find package deals for reasonable prices and join the fun yourself. However, for skydiving instructors it’s a whole different ballgame. Imagine getting paid to jump out of airplanes? Well, some people do this regularly, and can earn a handsome paycheck in the process. They usually charge a flat rate per jump of anywhere between $25-$50, and also make a good portion of their income selling pictures and videos of the experience to their clients. If you call yourself an adrenaline junkie, then maybe this could be the job for you.

Fishing Boat Captain

Usually known for its grinding, labor intensive, and dangerous job conditions, fishing has gained a reputation of a dangerous but fiscally rewarding profession. You may spend days, weeks, or even months out at sea, but depending on what you are fishing for, you can also expect to earn a large sum of money in the time you at sea depending on the amount of fish or shellfish you catch. Conditions can get dangerous, such as waves crashing over your boat, or winds pushing you off course. However, for the thrill seeker, this career could be right up your alley.

Sports Coaches

What better way to give back to the community and further your interests in the sport of your choice then by coaching. Coaches instruct people of all ages, from five year olds playing soccer to thirty-five year olds playing professional basketball in the NBA. Typically youth coaches don’t earn a salary, but if you coach for long enough and catch some breaks, the earning potential is endless. Some coaches are making millions of dollars a year doing what they love. Consider them thrill seekers, because they are fanatics for the game and the emotional roller coaster that goes along with it.


Firefighters are modern day heroes, and put their lives on the line day after day to protect the lives and property of the American people. This job is incredibly dangerous, and requires a good level of physical fitness to make it through the work day. You climb ladders, bust down doors, and rescue people and animals from perilous fires. Firefighters earn an average of about $20 per hour, which increases the longer you stick around. The shifts are long and you stay in the firehouse for the duration, unless you are out battling fires. Most firefighters love their jobs, and for the thrill seeker this could be the perfect fit.

There are several other jobs out there for adrenaline junkies, just get out and look for them! If you think it’s the right fit, it might be a better option than sitting behind a computer screen all day. Some people just weren’t cut out for office or retail life, and that is okay. As long as you are happy with what you are doing, you can call yourself successful. 

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