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Best Entry Level Business Positions

When you are trying to get your foot in the door for an entry level business or finance position, you need to keep in mind what the best jobs are in terms of room for advancement and starting salary. For entry level jobs, you need to keep these factors in mind because you don’t want to end up working in a stagnant career with little room for advancement. When you are first starting out, it’s almost a guarantee that the first job you take won’t be what you set out to do. However, that’s the point of an entry level position. It’s designed to provide you with the proper training and information to help you become a more valuable employee as you rise through the ranks. There are some entry level jobs in finance and business that are stronger than others, so keep on reading if you’d like to find out which ones.

The best entry level jobs in business and finance-

1.)    Leadership Programs

Several of the larger organizations, like General Electric, Microsoft, Diageo, etc., have programs designed to take recent college grads and train them into becoming future leaders. There are many jobs available for these types of programs, and some are better than others, but you need to commit to your education and get good grades, because they only hire the best of the best. These jobs are very desirable, because they are seen as a fast track to upper-management. Also, the company you work for values their leadership program members more than outside talent, so when promotions or new jobs come up you’ll be one of the first in line. If you are doing well in college but unsure of where you want to work, apply to some of these leadership development programs. It’s the best way to get the job you want later in your career.

2.)    Financial Analyst

This is the job that most business or finance majors take after they graduate, and it teaches you valuable skills that will eventually lead to a nice promotion within your organization. Although the average salary ($47,000) seems good, you’ll have potential to be earning six-figures within a few years. If you are offered a job as a financial analyst at a company you’d like to work for once you graduate college, then you should accept it. If you do some good and productive work for them, you’ll be sure to get promoted and pursue the career that you’ve always dreamed of.

3.)    Human Resources Assistant

Being a human resources assistant does not usually pay very well, but human resources managers can earn up to six-figures, depending on the organization. If you are offered this type of job, you should accept, because senior human resources managers usually require many years of experience and possibly a master’s degree.

4.)    Marketing Associate

Taking an entry-level job in Marketing can be a great move, because there is endless earning potential in the higher ranks. These jobs are incredibly important for most companies, because they have a direct impact on the overall success of the company.

Choose the job you need, not the job you want-

 There are many entry level jobs available for new employees in the business / finance industry, but it is up to you to find the right one. Consider joining a leadership program, because it will build your resume and make you a stronger candidate when you look for a higher level job. However, you need to keep in mind that you’re going to have to work very hard to get that job you’ve been dreaming about, because they usually require a great deal of experience. The more you chip away, the greater your chances are of rising to the top. So get out there and start gaining some work experience in an entry level position!

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