Categories Resume

Are You Making These 7 Resume Mistakes?

If it’s taking really too long to land a job, there must be something wrong. A large possibility is that it’s your resume! Yes, there are hundreds of thousands of job applicants who continue to make the same mistakes. May be, you are one of them too. And you won’t know about it unless you are really aware of the most common mistakes that most of the candidates make.

If you plan to land an interview quickly and increase your employability without wasting time or getting frustrated, given below are seven resume mistakes that you should always avoid.

#1. Failed Connection

A great resume is written to establish connection between what an employer is looking for and what you can bring to the table. Before you sit to write a resume that wins over employers, you need to devote some time to conducting employer research. You need to find out all the essential details about the advertised job position. The more you know about the company and the job you are applying for the more targeted resume you’ll create.

That’s how you’ll be able to connect with the employer or the hiring manager and become a deserving candidate for the advertised opening.

#2. Going with ‘Objective’ Instead of ‘Value’ You can Bring

I come across plenty of resumes every week. Almost 95% of all these resumes begin with a similar-sounding objective. An objective is something that you are looking for. What you really need to do, is replace the objective statement with something more valuable.

In fact, you can replace the objective statement with a few lines that talk about the benefits or values that you can bring to the company.

Let the reader know your worth.

#3. Talking about Responsibilities

A larger section of most of the job resumes is filled with the responsibilities or the job duties of the applicant. Have you ever thought what benefits it will bring talking about what you did? Stop talking about responsibilities on the resume in detail. Instead, start shifting the light on the achievements that you made in your last job, so you attract immediate attention.

#4. Lack of Logical Relation

Every piece of information or data that you present on the resume should relate to one another. Most importantly, it should all be in a logical order so the reader has no problem understand the information.

While writing a resume, you should piece together all the data in a way that it becomes a unique story.

#5. Run-of-the-Mill Layout

Get a little more creative. Rather than using one of those cliché or poor quality designs, work out something that stands out. A unique design is that which attracts the employer’s attention instantly, enhances readability, and makes the most important skills or abilities prominent.

A poorly designed resume will ruin your chances of getting hired even when you have all the required qualifications.

So, avoid this mistake!

#6. Choosing the Wrong Type

Different types of resumes suit different situations. Depending on your specific circumstances, you may need to use a chronological resume or a functional resume or a combination resume. Before you start creating a resume, make sure you have chosen a type that suits your situation best.

#7. No Reviewing

This is yet again one of the most common mistakes. No I’m not talking about whether you have reviewed the resume or not. It’s about getting your resume reviewed by an outsider you trust. If you know someone who has the skills to be a good reviewer, request them for reviewing your resume.

Do you really think your resume is free from all of the above-mentioned mistakes? Feel free to comment.

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