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Are You a Strong Team Player?

Great team playing skills are crucial for achieving success in today’s workplace. In fact, most of the employers want to hire candidates who can successfully work with a team and help other team members to deliver their best. You could also easily miss a job promotion opportunity if you don’t have the capability to work with a group of people or team and deliver results.

But are you a strong team player? Whether you are or you are not depends on how you define team playing. You should be aware of all those skills that make up a successful team player.

Here are the key traits of a great team player –

Ready to Help

A team always works towards achieving a common goal. It means you should always work with a one-team approach. As a strong team player, you should be always willing to help other team members, with your tips, innovative ideas and suggestions.

Treating Others with Respect

A team may consist of people from different locations, cultures and backgrounds. But that doesn’t matter. It’s important to look at each team member with the utmost respect. Even if there are differences in opinions, it should never interrupt your work as one team.

You should be mindful to treat others in the same way as you want others to treat you. That’s the what being respectful is all about.

Listening with Care

You may be a great communicator. You may like it when others pay attention to your views or ideas. But, at the same time, you should also be ready to listen to what others have to say. If you are in the habit of tooting only your own horn, you can’t successfully work in a team. To prove yourself as a great team player, you should also become an avid listener.

Communicating Expressively

Strong communication skills are one of the most important qualities of a successful team player. While working in team, you are responsible for presenting your views or thoughts in a manner that’s clear and easy to understand. If other team members can’t understand your point, it’s trouble for you.


No matter what job title or position you hold, it’s important to work with other team members honestly. Today’s workplaces are rife with different type of office politics. If you want others to respect your opinion and collaborate and deliver their best, you should never take credit for others’ achievements. Always give credit where credit is due. Be honest.

Positive Attitude

While working, employees face different types of challenging situations. Many times, these situations can prove to be draining or stressful. Negative thoughts may easily cross your mind in those times. To achieve targets, you should always work with a positive attitude. A great team player is not only positive themselves, but they also help create a positive work environment.

If you plan to increase your employability and achieve quick career growth, you should never ignore the skills that make up a great team leader. Many of the above traits may come to you naturally while others may require some practice or learning. But be ready to develop all of them.

Do you think you have the capability to work efficiently within a team? Please share your opinions or experiences.

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