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6 Morning Routines to Increase Your Productivity at Work

Let’s face it:  the most successful people in the world probably don’t just roll out of bed after hitting the snooze button numerous times, grunt their way halfheartedly through getting ready and show up to work still half-awake and unkempt.  If you can start your day off right, and establish a positive morning routine before you go to work, it is much more likely that the rest of your day will follow suit, including your productivity at work.  And many people find that the morning is the best time to get certain things done.  It can be difficult to get into the routine of setting aside time in the morning, but once you get in the habit of doing so, you won’t want to go back to the way things were before.  Below are six things to do in the morning that will allow you to be more productive at work for the rest of the day:

1)      Exercise

Exercise is something that should be a priority anyways, so why not get it out of the way first thing?  Though the idea of a jog or boxing class at the crack of dawn doesn’t appeal to many, you may find that you are actually more energized than you would be at the end of a long workday.  Not only that, it puts you in a better frame of mind and boosts your confidence, so any challenging work tasks you are facing that day won’t seem quite as hard to overcome.  You are also likely to find that you concentrate better on the job, which is likely to cause your productivity at work to skyrocket.

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2)       Make Your Bed

The way we keep our living area can often be a reflection of what we think of ourselves, so if you want to avoid starting your day frazzled and all over the place, simple things like making your bed and keeping your clothing organized will make you feel calmer and more together.  Starting your day this way will set you in the right frame of mind to be more productive at work.  To avoid being rushed, there are also certain things that you can do the night before such as making your lunch, packing up your car and picking out what you are going to wear the next day.

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3)      Plan Your Day/Prioritize

Take a few minutes before work to take a look at and make a list of what is ahead of you, both on the job and in your personal life, that day.  Try to knock out some of the things you dread the most as early as possible, such as a work errand or a phone call to your insurance company.  Taking these few minutes will enable you to manage your time better for the rest of the day, therefore allowing you to be more productive at work.

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4)      Meditate

Clearing your mind before you get to work will allow you to be calmer and more focused.  Sit outside and take in your natural surroundings if possible.  If you commute, you can use this time listen to some inspiring music or read something uplifting.  This will put you in a positive state of mind, which will not only increase productivity at work,  but also make you more pleasant to be around.

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5)       Laugh with a friend

It can be difficult to be productive at work when you are feeling down.  Connecting with someone you care about and chatting about something lighthearted first thing in the morning is an excellent way to kick off a successful day.  It will take the focus off of yourself for a few minutes, and remind you that you are not alone.  Since some people are hard to get a hold of by phone in the early hours, texting and e-mailing are also good options.

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6)      Eat Breakfast

Eating a balanced meal give you the energy you need to attack the day, and if you can, take your time with it.  Sit down and actually enjoy it, instead of grabbing something as you run out the door.   Rushing through meals is no good for the mind and body.

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