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5 Interesting Ways to Earn Extra Money on the Side in 2016

There have always been plenty of opportunities out there to earn extra money on the side.  You can pick up a paper route, take a night shift as a server or bartender, or work at a retail store on the weekends.  And you can always babysit or do yard work for your neighbors.  But nowadays, there are some pretty interesting and less conventional ways to earn extra money on the side that exist, in large part thanks to the presence of technology in our world today.  Many of these side jobs require little to no experience, and in some cases you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your own home.  Here are some of the most interesting ways to earn extra money on the side in 2016:

1)  Testing websites

There is a huge demand by website and app owners to have users test their sites to gauge how user-friendly it truly is.  While companies do plenty of testing on their own websites, it often helps to have someone who is not familiar with the product or company to give them a more objective view of how easy and enjoyable the user experience is on their site, and to catch any glitches that may have been previously missed.  TheWorkatHomeWoman.com lists 11 websites that pay website testers.  Website testing is a fast way to earn extra money on the side, since most website tests don’t take more than 20 minutes, and pay about $10 per test.

Click below for website tester jobs in:

New York, NY

San Francisco, CA

2)  Blogging

If there is a topic you are passionate about and you feel that there is a fairly large audience out there that would find content around that topic interesting, starting a blog could be a productive and fun way for you to earn extra money on the side.  Once you build up a good amount of traffic, there are many ways you can monetize your blog to earn money, including hosting ads, affiliate links, and promoting products and services.  If you don’t want to take on your own blog, you can write freelance articles for other people’s blogs.  Websites that you can find freelance blog writing jobs on include Elance.com and Peopleperhour.com.

Click below for blogger jobs in:

New York, NY

San Francisco, CA

3)  Rent out your car

If you own an automobile, you have an easy way to earn extra money on the side right at your fingertips.  You can rent out your car using websites such as Turo.com and GetAround.com.  If you would rather give people rides than trust someone else for a period of time with your car, there are several more options.  Lyft.com and Uber.com are popular apps that people use to find a ride wherever and whenever they need.  You can also register your car in some airports as an airport shuttle service vehicle.

Click below for Uber driver jobs in:

New York, NY

San Francisco, CA

4)  Online Juror

Many lawyers seek feedback from citizens regarding a case they are either considering taking, or are currently working on.  There are no special skills required to be an online juror, since it is basically jury duty online.  To find opportunities to earn extra money on the side as an online juror, check out Ejury.com.

Click below for jury jobs in:

New York, NY

San Francisco, CA

5)  Mystery Shopper

There is no shortage of opportunities to earn extra money on the side as a mystery shopper.  Companies that sell various products and services hire mystery shoppers directly to purchase their product or service, and give feedback on their customer experience.  Being a mystery shopper also often involves behaving in a certain way or asking specific questions while shopping.  You can also find mystery shopper gigs through market research companies.

Click below for mystery shopper jobs in:

New York, NY

San Francisco, CA

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