Categories CareerJob Search

4 Tips for Dislocated Workers

Losing your job is tough, and finding a new one is even tougher. Dislocated workers are those individuals who have been laid off or terminated, or lost employment due to another reason. In reality it can happen to anyone. Companies change and sometimes corporate restructuring needs to happen. If you lose your job and are actively looking for a new role, check out some of the following tips to assist you in your job hunting efforts.

Advice for the Unemployed

1.)    Social Media Upgrade

Social media is becoming increasingly popular amongst hiring managers. They regularly monitor Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn in order to find “dirt” on potential new hires. Many jobs are won and lost based on mistakes or triumphs in the social media game. If you are seeking employment in an office-based position, it’s advantageous to upgrade your LinkedIn profile and focus on networking to find new business connections. Do not let social media become information you need to hide. Be proud and display your qualifications boldly—your new job might depend on it. Always assume that your next employer has seen all of your profiles.

2.)    Public Resources

A lot of dislocated workers fail to take advantage of the job-hunting resources that the state can provide. There are actually some great programs designed to assist in finding work. Be sure to check in with your local unemployment or labor office for any relevant job opportunities in your area. Unemployment will help pay your way if you qualify for the money, but you need to use their resources to help in finding a new job, even if it means taking on a low-paying role you are overqualified for. The bills still need to get paid, and you need to do whatever it takes to make that happen.

3.)    Wardrobe

If you have been attending interviews or plan on attending interviews, you need to upgrade your wardrobe to look the part. Some jobs, like restaurant or retail positions don’t require a fancy dress code, but you should still look your best when meeting with any hiring manager. Obviously you don’t want to wear a full-blown suit to an interview at a grocery store, but you should always consider wearing a business casual outfit at the bare minimum. After all, it’s a job interview and a time to showcase yourself to human resources. Your wardrobe is something you have control over, so make it worth the investment.

4.)    Shotgun Approach

Most jobs can be found online, and employment applications are no different. There are tools available to help simplify the job hunting process, but a great strategy is to take the shotgun approach when looking for a new job. Human resources might receive hundreds, if not thousands of applications for a popular new job. This hurts the chances of even the most qualified candidates. Taking the shotgun approach means broadening your search and applying for less than desirable opportunities where applicable. If your goal is finding a job, you need to exhaust every outlet. Check out the jobdiagnosis.com free mobile app to help get out started. We help you find the very best of listings, but landing that new job is inevitably up to you!

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