Categories Interview

3 Important Interview Questions

Interviews can be stressful and taxing, especially when you desperately need to find a job. For every job, several candidates are interviewed, so you need to come prepared to answer the difficult questions. The difference between a good interview and a great one can make or break your career. Many interviewers stick to a structured list of questions in order to find out the information they need about job candidates. If you are prepared to answer them, you stand a great chance of not only acing the interview, but also doing the same for any future endeavors. Keep your mind sharp and good things will start happening. Job interviews are a game, and you need to be well conditioned and mentally strong in order to persevere. Learn how to play and career success will soon follow.

Acing the Interview

We have compiled a list of three of the most common and important interview questions. You need to be prepared to answer these questions, because they will likely determine whether or not you get the job. From the standpoint of an interviewer, by asking open-ended questions, you allow the employee to think for themselves. They can extract some powerful information from you.

1.)    What are your weaknesses?

This is a great question to prepare for before you attend your interview. You need to choose an answer that sheds a positive light on yourself. For example, you could say that your weakness is being a perfectionist. You spend too much time trying to get things absolutely correct, and sometimes it can hurt your productivity. Say that you are working on balancing workload and perfectionism. This shows the interviewee that you are honest about your shortcomings, and willing to improve yourself. Whatever answer you choose, make sure you pick a weakness that can be spun positively.

2.)    What did you like / dislike about your previous position?

Be wary of this type of question, because you want to be as positive as possible. The more important answer here is why you disliked your former job. A great answer would be that you did not feel challenged in your current role, or that maybe you felt like your opportunity for career advancement was hindered. Show the interviewer that you are seriously committed to working hard and advancing your career. Also, pick a good answer for why you liked your job, such as that you enjoyed the people you were working with.

3.)    Why should we hire you?

You need to set yourself apart from the pack, and highlight the unique qualities that you possess which make you an excellent candidate. Be honest with this question, but also keep your answer brief and concise. Talk about how your skills are a perfect match for the job, and that you will hit the ground running on day one.

Interviews can make people anxious, but if you come prepared those feelings will surely subside. Come prepared to answer the biggest questions, and your success is almost guaranteed. You need to make yourself stand out from the pack, and as always, dress for success. Looking your best will boost your confidence and show the interviewer how serious you really are. At the end of the day, every interview you attend makes you stronger for the next one; if you can present yourself favorably in these situations, you will have multiple choices for where you’d like to work. Always come prepared and use what you’ve learned from previous experiences.

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