Category Archives: Interview

Jobseekers: Everyone is Selling, and So are You!

Learning your sales environment

Do you think only those who sell things are the ones who hold the title of salesperson? If you don’t know, we live in a world of sellers. Almost in every sphere of life, you’ll find yourself surrounded with salespersons. Everyone is selling something – Someone is selling a product or service. Someone is selling […]

Bye Bye Interview Fear!

Coping with interview stress

No matter how hard you try, you can never skip job interviews. If you plan to get a new job, you’ll always need to clear the interviewing process. But this is a fearful experience for many job applicants. In fact, there are many who even start to get goose bumps as soon as they get […]

Conduct Company Research to Win Interviews

Research a company before interview

If there’s one thing that can quickly give you an advantage over other job applicants in an interview, it’s company research. Most people think that interviewing is a one-way questioning process. As a matter of fact, any job interview is a conversation. That’s why it’s extremely important to gather as much knowledge about the employer […]