Category Archives: education

College Degrees Are Not a Guarantee

is a college degree worth it

A lot of students attend college thinking that they are guaranteed a job upon graduation, but this could not be further from the truth. The job market is getting more and more competitive, and a higher percentage of the population continues to graduate. More college graduates automatically translate to less job opportunity, unless the student […]

Entry-Level Jobs That Can Make You Rich

best entry level jobs

Entry-level jobs are tough, demanding, low paying, and stressful. But they usually lead to greener pastures. Some of these careers have amazing earning potential and are definitely worth considering. Nobody is handed a six-figure job overnight. It takes hard work, sacrifice, early mornings, and late nights. But following this recipe will eventually lead to a […]

Hottest Careers of 2015

best jobs 2015

Another year has come and gone, and the economy continues to grow at a steady rate. The job landscape in America is changing and several “hot” careers are surfacing. Considering a career change? Choosing from the following list is an excellent occupational move, since the demand for workers is currently outweighing the supply. Get onto […]

Best Jobs for High School Grads

jobs for high school grads

There are plenty of great jobs available that pay an excellent salary, provide good benefits, and do not require higher education. College isn’t for everyone, but finding the right career without these credentials can be hard. The job market is competitive, so figuring out ways to separate yourself from the pack is important. Typically for […]

Post-College Job Hunting Mistakes

college graduates

Finishing college is an excellent accomplishment. It shows employers that you have a willingness to succeed, work well under deadlines, and possess a high level of intelligence. However, it’s not a walk in the park for every student who graduates. The job market is improving, but a college degree does not guarantee you a job. […]

Signs It’s Time to Find a New Position

changing jobs

Being stuck in a career for an extended period of time can go one of two ways. Maybe you love the job, and would never jeopardize your opportunity to continue coming into work each day. Or, maybe you are dissatisfied, and require a career shift. You should always take a step back and analyze your […]

Pursuing Employment in Fashion

find a fashion job

With the change in season, as well as the holidays approaching, many of us have been doing more shopping and wardrobe evaluation than usual.  We can’t help but notice new trends coming to the surface and designs gaining ground in the market.  While some find this whole process overwhelming and irritating, others are filled with […]

Careers for Geniuses

careers for the intelligent

Being an excellent student can pay big dividends later in your career. Good grades are important, and the more competitive roles always look at academic record when sorting through potential employees. Turning your intelligence into career success is a great move. For those with exceptional IQs or standardized test scores, there are some excellent positions […]