Monthly Archives: July 2014

Highest Paid Laborers

With some hard work and sacrifice, there are opportunities to pursue careers in skilled labor that pays top dollar to employ individuals with these important skills. Just because you didn’t go to college doesn’t mean that you can’t pursue careers that pay six figures. Some of these jobs do require a technical degree to reinforce […]

Prioritize Your Goals

prioritize goals

Whichever career you decide to pursue, you need to keep a set of goals in mind so you have something to strive towards. Goals can be based on company objectives, like more revenue or more profit for your organization, or they can be more personal, like gaining better public speaking skills or becoming a better […]

Most Patriotic Jobs

top patriotic jobs

On the Fourth of July, we celebrate the conception of America and everything that goes into running our beautiful country. We honor the military that protects our freedom, and we spend time with family/friends. The Fourth of July is always a nice reminder that we are lucky to have the freedom and rights that our […]

Top 5 Jobs for Extroverts

jobs for extroverts

We’ve written articles on the perfect career choices for introverted people, but if you consider yourself social and enjoy being around others, then many of those careers would make you an unhappy worker. After all, for someone who enjoys conversation, sitting behind a computer screen developing websites all day might lead to a resignation. When […]

Job Advice and Tips